Friday, December 30, 2011

The Last Possible Holiday

So I overslept this morning. Not irretrievably so but heck, with five days of holiday left, there's no point in carrying them over just for the sake of it. I phoned in to the boss to get the okay and spent the day tidying the house. No, it's not spring yet but with a few buddies coming over tomorrow to see in a better year, I took the opportunity of tidying the house - thus taking the pressure off for tomorrow. There's still a few things to prepare but most of it is done. All of which means I'm now free to run my first - and last - Parkrun of the year and I'm expecting to see a few Harriers there.

I'm going to park up along New Road and jog on. On over to Five Aches. It'll only be about 5k but that, the race and the jog back will make it close to 10 miles. Then it'll be back of for a last minute tidy before the festivities begin.

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