Friday, October 01, 2010

The End Of My First Week Back Home

And it's been a busy one. It began with a couple of long days shipping more 'stuff' back up - that's 99% of it moved, thank flip - although my bath robe remains resolutely stuck to the back of the bedroom door down there. I've reminded myself about it a multitude of times and in a myriad of ways - all to no avail, that bastard is still hanging on the back of the door. Other than writing a note across the back of my retinas I'm not sure how I'm going to remember it - maybe I should give it up as a lost cause.

Anyway, the start of the week also saw the start of a cold. Thankfully that's on the way out now so I should be good to run tomorrow - after I've serviced the old boiler - stop it, I really am talking about a boiler. She's all oiled up and with a damn good servicing she'll see me through the winter. For the record, I'm getting in a professional - stop it - it's one thing I'm not prepared to bodge.

I managed to dodge most of the rain laden traffic on the way home to get in bang on half five. Been relaxing ever since - apart from the hour I put in on the bike as I cleared out the last of this damn cold - oooooh, pure green...

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