Sunday, August 09, 2009

Blaising hot

We got over to Blaise this morning for an easy run with Rick - no Sean as he was competing over at the Avon League and no doubt gunning for another PB, fingers crossed.

We would we have gone up to Ashton Court but there is this damn ballon fiesta malarchy going on at the moment. Disrupting the traffic and causing misery, mayhem and general doom. OK, there was no actual doom, well maybe just a little. Still, it was damned inconvenient of them. Do they not ever consider the runner? Only kidding, I'll let them off just this once - but only this once. I can't be getting too generous in my old age.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the easy run. We ran a loop around and about the place with the hounds, who, it has to be said, were all very well behaved - even Ernie stayed close by most of the time.

It was hot and we ran slow but after yesterday's epic it was about as much as I could cope with. The achilles, although feeling a bit stiff - stop it - didn't give me too much grief and after 50 minutes we were back at the van. Then it was into the cafe for a quick coffee before we all went our separate ways as Rick had to get up to Bristol's premier running shop, Up and Running (38 North View, Westbury Park, Bristol, BS6 7QA), for the start of his shift. Where, incidently, I shall be purchasing a new pair of Mizuno Wave Harrier trail shoes when I get a spare moment - oh, you can't buy ads like these...

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